Practice Makes Perfect
We prioritize a thorough training regimen.
This includes both initial and ongoing training for all SMS employees to surpass expectations and deliver high-quality cleaning and maintenance services. Housekeepers and maintenance technicians undergo initial orientation and new hire training before they receive their first assignment. Ongoing training is provided through our Safety Talk Topics, during which our SMS Team takes a deeper dive into a different safety topic every month.
SafePersonnel Employee Safety Training Platform
SMS has taken our employee safety training process to a new level with our SafePersonnel program. Staff members are kept up-to-date through a straightforward training platform (videos, training modules, and tests). We create customized training videos for both New Hires and Annual Recurring Training that amplify the training process we already have in place.
These training courses can be completed in a group setting to maximize feedback, interaction, and team-building, or assigned individually.
Employees must pass all required training courses within a certain time period.
Manager Training
We provide our managers with ongoing training to supplement each manager’s individual professional development, including communication and listening skills, time management and leadership training. The training topics selected for each manager are customized to the individual’s needs and goals.

Safety Training
SMS is dedicated to providing a safe and healthy working environment. To comply with OSHA standards, we follow operating practices that safeguard all employees at all times.
Safety Orientation
New employees participate in a safety orientation that includes basic safety rules, policies and procedures, emergency action plans and an employee safety program booklet.
See it. Own it. Fix it.
SMS has designed our Safety Matters program around the slogan, “See it. Own it. Fix it.,” to create a culture of safety for everyone involved in the organization. This program allows our employees to get back to the basics of safety training. It promotes a smarter way of working by pausing to consider hazards of each task, and then acting in a way to avoid those hazards.